Back to Ngare Ndare Dryland Restoration Project
Species |
Origin |
Rainfall (mm) |
Habit and Uses (This
is an onsite evaluation of the species and will be elaborated upon.) |
Acacia acuminata |
Australia |
225-500 |
Bushy shrub or tree 3-12m \ edible seed to humans \ a fodder plant \ wood for firewood \ logs for poles |
Acacia aneura |
Australia |
200-500 |
Bushy shrub or tree 2-15m \ edible seed to humans \ a fodder plant \ wood for firewood and charcoal \ logs for poles |
Acacia blakelyi |
Australia |
400-600 |
Dense, spreading shrub or tree 2x4m \ edible seed to humans \ a fodder plant \ wood for firewood |
Acacia calamifolia |
Australia |
200-650 |
Coppicing, bushy shrub 4x8m \ edible seed to humans \ a fodder plant |
Acacia cambagei |
Australia |
300-600 |
Small evergreen tree to 15m tall \ wood for firewood and charcoal \ logs for poles |
Acacia coriacea |
Australia |
100-800 |
Suckering, coppicing, shrubby tree 3-10m \ edible seed to humans \ a fodder plant \ wood for firewood |
Acacia cowleana |
Australia |
250-400 |
Fast-growing, evergreen shrub to 3m tall \ edible seed to humans \ a fodder plant \ wood for firewood and charcoal |
Acacia hakeoides |
Australia |
250-700 |
Suckering, coppicing, dense shrub/small tree 4x6m \ edible seed to humans |
Acacia hemiteles |
Australia |
250-500 |
Dense, spreading, multi-stemmed shrub 2x4m \ edible seed to humans |
Acacia holosericea |
Australia |
300-1100 |
An evergreen shrub or small tree to 7m tall \ a fodder plant \ wood for firewood and charcoal |
Acacia implexa |
Australia |
500-1100 |
Tall, fast-growing evergreen to 30m \ wood for firewood and charcoal \ logs for poles and saw logs \ timber for furniture |
Acacia jennerae |
Australia |
200-350 |
Suckering, coppicing, multi-stemmed shrub 4x6m \ edible seed to humans \ wood for firewood |
Acacia ligulata |
Australia |
110-250 |
An evergreen, fast-growing shrub to 5m tall \ edible seed to humans \ a fodder plant |
Acacia mearnsii |
Australia |
500-700 |
Tall, erect in plantation or spreading, branched tree in clearing to 25m \ source of gum \ a fodder plant \ wood for firewood and charcoal \ bark a source of tannin \ logs for poles and saw logs \ timber for furniture and pulpwood \ a fibre source |
Acacia mellifera |
Africa |
250-700 |
Low bush with extensive shallow root system, sharp hooked spines \ source of honey and gum \ a fodder plant \ logs for poles \ a fibre source \ used as a medicine |
Acacia microbotrya |
Australia |
350-550 |
Suckering, dense shrub or small tree 5x9m \ edible seed to humans \ source of gum |
Acacia monticola |
Australia |
250-500 |
An evergreen shrub to 5m or tree to 7m \ a fodder plant \ wood for firewood \ logs for poles |
Acacia murrayana |
Australia |
100-500 |
Suckering, coppicing, multi-stem shrub or tree 5x8m \ edible seed to humans, 20% protein, carbohydrate 38%, fat, oil 5%, dietry fibre 29% \ a fodder plant \ wood for firewood and charcoal |
Acacia nilotica |
Africa |
200-1270 |
Short, thick-trunked, evergreen tree 2.5-25m \ edible fruit and seed to humans \ source of gum \ a fodder plant \ wood for firewood and charcoal \ bark a source of tannin \ logs for poles and saw logs \ timber for furniture \ a fibre source \ used as a medicine |
Acacia pachyacra |
Australia |
150-400 |
Suckering shrub or small tree 5x6m \ edible seed to humans |
Acacia prainii |
Australia |
150-350 |
Bushy, multi-stemmed shrub to small tree 3x5m \ edible seed to humans |
Acacia pruinocarpa |
Australia |
200-275 |
An evergreen shrub or small tree to 8m tall \ wood for firewood \ logs for poles |
Acacia pycantha |
Australia |
400-750 |
Coppicing shrub to small tree 8x8m. Bark contains 25-34% tannin \ edible seed to humans \ wood for firewood \ bark a source of tannin |
Acacia salicina |
Australia |
250-550 |
Tall shrub or tree up to 20m tall \ a fodder plant \ wood for firewood \ logs for poles and saw logs \ timber for furniture |
Acacia saligna |
Australia |
300-1000 |
Dense, suckering shrub or small, erect tree 5x10m \ edible seed to humans \ source of gum \ a fodder plant \ wood for firewood and charcoal \ bark a source of tannin \ logs for poles |
Acacia scirpifolia |
Australia |
400-700 |
Dense, spreading shrub or small tree 2x6m \ edible seed to humans |
Acacia senegal |
Africa |
100-800 |
Evergreen bush usually branching from the ground to 15m tall \ edible seed to humans \ source of honey \ commercial source of Gum Arabic \ a fodder plant \ wood for firewood and charcoal \ logs for poles and saw logs \ a fibre source \ used as a medicine |
Acacia tortilis |
Africa |
100-1000 |
Evergreen tree or shrub to 25m tall with a spreading crown \ edible fruit and seed to humans \ a fodder plant \ wood for firewood and charcoal \ bark a source of tannin \ logs for poles and saw logs \ timber for furniture \ used as a medicine |
Acacia victoriae |
Australia |
100-1000 |
Suckering, coppicing, multi-stemmed spreading shrub to tree 5x10m \ edible seed contains 17% protein, fibre 29% and 41% carbohydrate \ edible seed and leaves to humans \ source of gum \ a fodder plant \ wood for firewood |
Adansonia digitata |
Africa |
100-1500 |
Deciduous tree to 20m tall with a girth of up to 40m \ edible fruit, leaves and seed to humans \ source of honey and gum \ wood for firewood \ used as a medicine |
Adansonia greggii |
Australia |
200-500 |
Deciduous, drought-tolerant, short tree to 16m tall, with a wide trunk to 3.5m diameter \ edible fruit, leaves and seed to humans \ source of gum \ a fibre source \ used as a medicine |
Albizia gummifera |
Africa |
Evergreen, spreading tree to 30m tall \ bark decoction used against malaria \ wood for firewood and charcoal \ timber for furniture \ a fibre source \ used as a medicine |
Allocasuarina campestris |
Australia |
225-400 |
Bushy shrub to 4m tall \ offers very good wind protection \ wood for firewood and charcoal |
Allocasuarina decaiseana |
Australia |
200-250 |
Very drought-tolerant, evergreen tree to 15m tall \ a fodder plant \ wood for firewood and charcoal \ logs for poles |
Allocasuarina huegeliana |
Australia |
300-750 |
An evergreen tree to 14m tall, having an erect habit in close cultivation and otherwise more spreading \ wood for firewood and charcoal \ logs for poles and saw logs |
Allocasuarina littoralis |
Australia |
650-1250 |
Drought-tolerant, evergreen tree to 12m tall \ a fodder plant \ wood for firewood and charcoal \ logs for poles and saw logs \ timber for furniture |
Allocasuarina luehmanniana |
Australia |
380-800 |
An evergreen tree to 20m tall and trunk diameter of 60 cm \ wood for firewood and charcoal \ logs for poles and saw logs |
Allocasuarina verticillata |
Australia |
600-900 |
Fast-growing, spreading evergreen with drooping branches \ grows to 10m tall, tolerating regular lopping \ may sucker \ a fodder plant \ wood for firewood and charcoal |
Aloe secundiflora |
Africa |
Plant harvested to make a traditional beer, plant used to treat wounds, ulcers, stomach and chest disorders, conjunctivitis, malaria, sexually transmitted diseases, tuberculosis (root) \ used as a medicine |
Butia capitata |
South America |
250-800 |
Hardy, monoecious, solitary palm to 8m tall \ edible fruit and seed to humans \ a fodder plant \ a fibre source \ used as a medicine |
Casimiroa edulis |
Mexico |
A tall, evergreen tree to 10-15m tall and has fair drought tolerance \ edible fruit to humans \ timber for furniture \ used as a medicine |
Casuarina cristata |
Australia |
175 + |
A small tree to 20m with a dense crown almost to ground level \ a fodder plant \ wood for firewood and charcoal \ logs for poles and saw logs |
Cereus peruvianus |
South America |
An erect tree-cactus to 16m tall \ edible fruit and leaves to humans |
Croton megalocarpus |
Cyphomandra betacea |
Peru |
An erect, shrubby, fast-growing bush to 4m tall \ edible fruit to humans \ source of honey |
Diospyros abyssinica |
Africa |
Tree to 30m tall \ logs for poles and saw logs \ timber for furniture |
Dodonea viscosa mucronata |
Australia |
259-1580 |
Evergreen shrub or small tree to 8m tall \ a fodder plant \ wood for firewood and charcoal \ logs for poles and saw logs \ timber for furniture \ used as a medicine |
Espostoa lanata |
South America |
Woolly, columnar tree cactus to 6m tall \ edible fruit to humans |
Eucalyptus cladocalyx |
Australia |
300-600 |
Medium sized evergreen to 35m tall \ source of honey \ wood for firewood \ logs for poles and saw logs |
Eucalyptus gongylocarpa |
Australia |
150-250 |
Small evergreen tree to 20m tall \ coppices well \ wood for firewood and charcoal |
Eucalyptus salmonophloia |
Australia |
250-500 |
Evergreen tree occasionally growing to 30m tall and 1m trunk diameter \ best growth is on red loam soils \ wood for firewood and charcoal \ logs for poles and saw logs |
Eucalyptus socialis |
Australia |
150-500 |
Small, evergreen, multi-stemmed shrub or small tree growing up to 12m tall \ very drought, frost and fire hardy \ source of honey \ wood for firewood and charcoal |
Eucalyptus trivalvis |
Australia |
150-300 |
Medium-sized, evergreen multi-stemmed tree to 10m tall \ wood for firewood and charcoal |
Eucalyptus wandoo |
Australia |
400-700 |
Medium-sized, evergreen tree to 30m tall \ source of honey \ wood for firewood \ bark a source of tannin \ logs for poles and saw logs \ timber for furniture |
Feijoa sellowiana |
South America |
A bushy evergreen shrub to 6m tall \ edible fruit to humans \ source of honey |
Gliricidia sepium |
Central America |
600-3500 |
Fast-growing, sometimes multi-stemmed, deep-rooted tree from 2-15m tall \ cuttings can be put into the ground to form a living fence \ edible fruit to humans \ source of honey \ a fodder plant \ wood for firewood and charcoal \ logs for poles and saw logs \ timber for furniture \ used as a medicine |
Grevillea robusta |
Australia |
600-1700 |
Deciduous tree to 40m tall \ source of honey \ a fodder plant \ wood for firewood and charcoal \ logs for poles and saw logs \ timber for furniture \ a fibre source |
Juniperus procera |
Africa |
400-1200 |
Evergreen tree to 50m tall \ wood for firewood and charcoal \ logs for poles and saw logs \ timber for furniture \ a fibre source \ used as a medicine |
Leucaena diversifolia |
Central America |
600-3500 |
Erect tree or shrub to 20m tall with trunk to 10m x 50cm \ source of gum \ a fodder plant \ wood for firewood and charcoal \ logs for poles |
Leucaena escelenta |
Mexico |
Large tree 18-20m \ edible fruit, leaves and seed to humans |
Leucaena mochatus |
Leucaena trichandra |
Macadamia integrifolia |
Australia |
1000-3000 |
Large evergreen tree \ edible seed to humans \ bark a source of tannin \ used as a medicine |
Maesopsis eminii |
Africa |
1200-3000 |
Fast-growing, short-lived, deciduous tree to 40m tall \ sheds branches to more than 60% of its length and is a coloniser of grasslands \ edible fruit to humans \ logs for poles and saw logs |
Mangifera indica |
India |
500-2500 |
Mango Tree \ edible fruit to humans |
Moringa oleifera |
Central America |
1500-2300 |
Small, thornless, fast-growing, deciduous tree to 10m tall and 3m wide \ pods used in soups and curries or pickled \ leaves, twigs and flowers are eaten raw in salads or cooked in soups or as potherbs \ immature seeds eaten as peas \ mature seeds are roasted or fried and eaten like peanuts \ seed oil (ben oil) never goes rancid and is used as a cooking and salad oil \oil also known as watchmaker’s oil because it is used in delicate, precision machinery \ root used like horseradish \ tender, young seedlings eaten as a cooked green vegetable \ gum from the bark is used as a seasoning \ leaves 7-10% protein \ a source of honey and gum \ a fodder plant \ wood for firewood \ logs for poles and saw logs |
Olea europea Africa |
Africa |
Evergreen shrub to tree to 18m tall \ a fodder plant \ used as a medicine |
Owenia reticulata |
Australia |
Desert walnut \ edible seed to humans |
Persea Americana |
South America |
300-2500 |
Evergreen to 20m tall. 0-2500m altitude \ edible fruit to humans \ bark a source of tannin \ used as a medicine |
Phoenix reclinata |
Africa |
Clustering palm with straight or curved stems to 10m tall \ edible fruit to humans \ seed used as a coffee substitute \ flower tapped for wine \ heart of palm vegetable \ source of gum \ bark a source of tannin \ logs for poles and saw logs \ a fibre source \ used as a medicine |
Ricinus comunis |
Africa |
380-500 |
A large bush to small tree. 1-5m tall with hollow stems \ seed is poisonous but important source of castor oil, with many uses and is used as a medicine \ source of honey |
Rollinia deliciosia |
Brazil |
Amazon custard apple \ edible fruit to humans |
Salvadora persica |
Africa to India |
200+ |
Evergreen, straggling shrub to erect small tree to 7m tall, with succulent leaves \ tolerant of saline soils and grows on termite mounds \ floodplains in drier areas \ to 1800m altitude \ fruit is sweet with a peppery taste \ fruit fermented to a drink, dried and eaten like currents or used as a substitute for mustard seed \ young shoots and leaves eaten in salads or made into a sauce \ a vegetable salt called keyr from plant ash \ fat from seeds used as a butter substitute in chocolate \ resins and micro-fibres in plant used to make a chewing gum \ good source of nectar for bees \ leaf decoction as a mouthwash \ masticated leaves for tooth and gum problems \ seed oil on skin for rheumatism \ seed oil for soaps \ twigs and roots used for toothbrushes with ability to help prevent dental carries and to relieve toothache and gum disease \ root decoction to treat gonorrhea, spleen problems and stomach aches \ roots for chest diseases or pounded as a poultice for boils \ roots for chest diseases or pounded for boils \ latex from wounded bark used to treat sores \ wood is good firewood and charcoal but if used for cooking fouls the taste of meat \ timber is soft, white, easily worked and resistant to termite attack \ used to make clubs and coffins \ planted as windbreak hedge \ leaves and young shoots browsed by camels, goats, sheep and cattle \ leaves increase lactation but effect the taste of milk \ a source of honey \ timber for furniture \ a fibre source |
Schinus molle |
South America |
200-1200 |
Evergreen tree to 15m tall \ tolerates extreme drought \ gum as a mastic, dried, roasted berries as a pepper substitute and to make drinks and a wine \ essential oil from seed used in cooking and confectionary \ bark a source of tannin \ timber for furniture |
Sclerocarya birrea |
Africa |
200-1370 |
Medium to large deciduous tree with a spreading crown 9m up to 18m \ edible fruit and seed to humans \ source of gum \ a fodder plant \ bark a source of tannin \ a fibre source |
Sesbania sesban |
Africa |
500-2000 |
Evergreen shrub with narrow crown and deep roots \ 1-7m tall \ edible fruit to humans \ a fodder plant \ used as a medicine |
Tamarindus indica |
India to Africa |
350-1500 |
A large evergreen tree up to 30 m tall with a trunk up to 2 m diameter and a dense, spreading crown \ edible fruit, leaves and seed to humans \ source of honey \ silkworm host and rubber coagulant \ source of gum \ a fodder plant \ bark a source of tannin \ timber for furniture \ used as a medicine |
Veteveria zizanioides |
India |
200-5000 |
Stiff, broad, clumping grass to 3m tall \ first line of defense against soil erosion \ source of khus-khus oil of commerce \ roots a fibre source |
Ximenia americana |
Africa, Americas Australia |
300-1250 |
Semi-parasitic, drought resistant shrub or small tree to 7m tall \ seed oil as a vegetable butter \ leaves require thorough cooking \ roasted kernels are eaten but purgative in large amounts, flower petals eaten in soup \ fruit to make a kind of beer \ essential oil of heartwood used as a fumigant \ essential oil of flowers as a substitute for orange oil \ bark to strengthen indigo dye \ bark 17% tannin which give leather a reddish colour \ roots also used in tanning \bark and crushed fruit to treat sores and keep fleas from animals \ leaves at 100 ppm cause 100% mortality of Bulinus globus, the vector in the transmission of Schistosomiasis (Bilharzia) \ seed oil for soap \ coppices \ wood for firewood and charcoal |
Yucca glauca |
Tropical America |
Short clumping plant to 1m tall \ juice to make soap and varnish \ edible fruit and leaves to humans \ a fibre source \ used as a medicine |
Ziziphus abyssinica |
Africa |
300-2000 |
Semi-evergreen, spiny, spreading shrub to small tree to 12m tall \ edible fruit and leaves to humans \ source of honey \ a fodder plant \ wood for firewood and charcoal \ timber for furniture \ used as a medicine |